Wednesday, April 25, 2007

China became Japan's first trading partner

After reading the article about China and Japan's trading has triumped over the past 4 year, I have some thoughts here to share.
China and Japan, these two nations have very deep rooted anger stemed from World War Two time. Japan has mercilessly killed innocent civilians in the famous NaJin rape. People were buried alive without exception for children and women. Many Chinese nationalists reject Japan-made goods in the effort to make Japan government official to acknowledge the truth, which is Japan invaded China. In recent years, China is growing at a fast rate in its economy and overall national power. And I believe as China becomes more powerful, and Japan will become more reliant on China to be its trading partner in order to get out of its decade long stagnation. If this trend of economic mutual-beneficial collaboration continues, the day which Japan will officially apologize for its war crime committed in China and compensate in monetary terms to people who lost their loved ones in that horrible war time is in the near future.

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