Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Madame Alexander doll

The classic madame alexander doll is made out of a kitchen of an immigrant from eastern europe--her name is madame alexander. She is the first lady for dolls. Surprisingly, doll collectors of madame alexander doll are more adults than children--maybe is because childern are not old enough to appreciate its quality and design. The design of madame alexander doll may be considered as an innovation in doll making. Madame alexander doll is the first to use hard plastic for the protype instead of using traditional cloth. And the designer, madame alexander is the first to use popular characters in cartoons and movies as models to design her dolls. Madame alexander understands the importance of star power in marketing her dolls and her stratedy made her become the queen of dolls. Nowaday, madame alexander doll is still a very popular collection item for both adults and children. And its operating strategy has changed a little in order to take advantage of today's economic trend---outsoucing. Madame alexander doll's manufacturing is outsourced to China for cheaper labor, but its design studio is still in Harlem, New York.

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